
We did everything together
Like a wisdom tooth growing from a gum
We were a part of each other
We were inseparable.
In the burning flames of young love
I couldn’t do without you
And so we kept burning.
But as our love grew old
The wisdom tooth started to hurt at times
Tears were shed more often
And you – no, we changed.
I tried to bear with it
For after all
You were there through everything.
But the pain soon became unbearable.
Even though you were still a part of me,
You had to be removed
And it hurt a lot.
I couldn’t sleep, I couldn’t eat and I cried at times
Everything I did reminded me of you for we did everything together.
You left a hole on your way out –
A reminder of what we were.
And I will never be the same again
Sometimes, I still flick my tongue around
Trying to feel for you
And sometimes, I do miss you
Wishing that we could do everything together like before
But I’m glad that the pain is gone
And you are right where you belong-
In the past and it doesn’t exist anymore.


There are many things that I miss –
Hands, interlocking fingers saying, “I’m here”.
Ears, who listen to my deepest thoughts.
Head, resting peacefully on my chest
Eyes, whose light tell me I’m loved.
Yes I adored these
But they are gone for now
And I am alone
There are days which I wish I wasn’t
When two lovers entwined pass me by
When the rain pours
And when the stars come out,
Breathing romance into the air.
How much I wish I have someone to hold.

However, I do know that

Yes I am alone, but I am not lonely

Well fucking done

Congrats, you lost it before I did.
I don’t know how you felt about it,
But I think you’re a loser.
You had a chance to stay.
We were nearly there.
But nope
You lost yours drunk and desperate.
You didn’t even want it.
But you couldn’t resist could you?
You lost yours not to love but to lust.
I was there, loving you.
But you left,
Hurting me and yourself.
So well fucking done
I don’t know how you feel about it
But I feel sad for you
I feel sorry for you
And I feel sad
That I could’ve been the one who loved you
But you just couldn’t resist it could you?

Battle Scars

No it wasn’t your typical knife to the chest.
It wasn’t an old school arrow to the heart.
You, my dear, used a motherfucking 5.7 with a goddamn p90.
Silent and sudden,
armour piercing for sure and it bounces around in you.
No this round is different. It stays with you.
It gives doctors a hard time and the wounds, man.
One might not kill you but it fucking hurts.
Every night when I lay on my bed
And every morning when I wake I squint not just to the sunshine in my eyes.
Sure I took measures.
I got my soft plates on but I sure as hell didn’t expect you to use this weapon, this round, exclusive to us.
I should’ve donned my hard plates.
I should’ve watched my 6.
There’s a long list of “I should’ve(s)” but what does it matter?
You caught me off guard, my mistake, you win.
But I’m still alive.
It’ll take a hell of a time to get back in action but with all that mental training before and help from my buddies I’ll be okay.
As for you? You caused me more pain than necessary. You missed. But don’t feel bad.
I’ll recover someday.
And you were doing what you had to. You did what you thought was right. You had a mission.

Sail On

A damaged ship once came to harbour.
For months she was worked on,
Patched piece by piece.
“Is she whole?” the captain asks.
“Only one way to find out.”
She wants to sail but a weight anchors.
Maybe her captain’s afraid.
The ocean is vast, unknown.
The storms turbulent
And the journey uncertain.
The captain looks back,
Land- familiar, safe, tempting.
But a ship is built to sail
And a crew craves for adventure
As the captain inhales the salty breeze
He looks up at the horizon
“Loosen the mains! Catch some wind!”
It’s time to let go the ghosts of the past

Love is a bitch

Love is a bitch
It confuses you
It comes when it wants to
And leaves whenever
Love can be so harsh
Just when you think you got a grasp of it
It disappears, like fireworks
So brilliant and then gone
Leaving you the cold darkness of night
But even as it leaves
It burns a mark, leaving you blind for awhile
But I believe that the mark doesn’t disappear
It is imprinted in your mind and heart
And sometimes you can feel the sour squeeze of the scar in your chest.
Love is truly a bitch
Even as it walks out on you
It leaves behind it’s letters, photographs, t shirts, memories
Love doesn’t truly leave you
And you will always remember love
And I will always love you

Liquid Courage

Red, white, golden, brown
Atop your neck a wooden crown
So many forms that you take
One common ingredient in your make

A few cultures detest you
But I for one love your dew
The sweet, smooth hint of wood
Makes easy work of amplifying my mood

You cure sadness, pain, grief and fear
You bring laughter, joy and sometimes tears
But if abused you never fail
To leave destruction in your trail

Oh great creation of mankind
Let me sing and speak my mind
Grant me courage, make me warm
Find me the girl who electrified the storm

Of songs and seasons